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Writer's pictureLizette Strait

Overcoming the Invisible Barrier: My Journey through the Mysterious World of Writer's Block

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

Rain on window

It's a cold and dreary day outside my window. I'm sitting in front of my computer trying to write a short story for an anthology. Of course, the page is practically blank.

Every writer has experienced this at one time or another. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it, often when you're most excited to write.

For a writer, this invisible barrier can be frustrating, turning vibrant ideas into a tangle of thoughts. So, what does a writer do?

Understanding Writer's Block

Writer's Block

Writer's block can manifest in many ways, from complete silence to that overwhelming blank page staring back at you. That fantastic idea you had the night before while you were lying in bed fizzles into obscurity in the morning. The mind is blank, and words scatter never forming the good sentence.

Is writer's block triggered by the fear of writing something stellar? Of success or failure? I doubt it. I have no real delusion that something I write will hit the NY Times best seller list. All I strive for is to have someone come across a story I have written, read it and say, "Wow, that was a good read'.

So whatever triggers writer's block will remain a mystery to me. All I can do is try to push through it and get into the right mindset.

Embracing the Creative Process

A turning point in the journey is accepting that creativity is not a linear process. Waiting for inspiration to hit like a bolt of lightning is unrealistic. The stars and planets do not have to align just right to get the words down. Dedicate time for free brainstorming without judgment allows me to get fresh ideas. But the key is to write down whatever comes to mind. I usually use the note app on my phone to jot down ideas.

One big key is to establish a writing routine. Usually, I take 15 minutes a day at lunch to scribble down my ideas instead of surfing social media. It may only be few sentences or plot ideas, but I found this works well for me. It gets me in the groove and keeps the words flowing.

Another way to avoid writer's block is to change your writing environment. Meet a fellow writer for coffee. I meet a girlfriend once a week at Panera to write and bounce off ideas. Instead of being home in my office, I'm sitting in a cafe, and the writing process continues.

Finding a writing community can also help too, but for me I do more socializing than writing. I get too distracted. However, some authors find it refreshing.

Embracing the Journey Ahead

Writer's block might feel overwhelming at times, but it’s important to recognize this challenge as part of the creative journey. By welcoming the creative process, and exploring new techniques, I have learned to navigate pass the invisible barrier.

The essential takeaway? Have faith in your creativity. Every writer encounters struggles; they do not define your talent or worth. Keep writing, exploring, and pushing through, because on the other side of writer's block lies a realm of ideas waiting to be discovered.

Overcoming writer's block.


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