Retirement isn’t just about stepping away from the daily grind; it’s a leap of faith into a new chapter of life. Freedom where the adventures await to unfold and the chance to explore your passions that have long been on the back burner. But what does it really mean?
The Joy of Leaving Work Behind
As the door closed behind me at 5PM, the heavy backpack I had carried for decades suddenly disappeared and I felt lighter and full of energy. I said my final goodbyes to my colleagues. People who I've worked with for years. I’ll still stay connected with a few but most I may never see again.
Now instead of the dreaded early morning alarm clock, I'm sitting at my kitchen table with a cup of coffee and scanning the headlines on my news feed. The first few days I was at a loss. What should I do today?
I worked from home, and it wasn't easy sitting in front of a computer for 10, 11, and sometimes 12 hours a day. The fast-paced job was taking its toll. Now I'm living the life with no early morning fire drills or frantic phone calls. I should’ve invested in fire extinguisher stock. I was always putting a fire out for someone when they dropped the ball and thought I would take care of the problem.
The meetings, deadlines, and workload are quickly fading. I still remember what day of the week it is, but it can be a bit awkward to have no daily structured routine at times. Recreating your life at this stage of the game is a bit challenging.
What to do next?
I started by making a list with downsizing the house on top. The purge has begun and it’s amazing how much stuff you accumulate over a lifetime. I’m slowly getting it done though it’s hard to let go of some things. Possessions you had for years become part of you. But as it goes out the door, I think of the next chapter. I want a simpler life. The house is going on the market next year and might just move south to a nicer climate.
What else can I do to fill the void? Write. It’s my passion. I'm going to finish my novel I started years ago. So, if you’re interested subscribe to my blog and keep a lookout for updates.
There are other things out there to explore, like hiking, traveling, crafting, volunteering, and enjoying life. It's endless.
Planning Financially for Retirement
Stepping into retirement can be scary. You are letting go of the weekly paycheck. The best thing to do is to pay down/off debt. Especially credit cards. It will suck you dry.
You don’t want to jump into a murky pool without knowing what lies beneath. No one will throw you a life preserver. The only person that will save you is yourself. So, if possible, start planning as soon as you can. The earlier the better.
Make a list of your hard expenses. Rent/mortgage, utilities, healthcare, car, insurance, groceries. Then include the incidentals like traveling and the whimsical buys. It quickly adds up. Then look at what you are expected to receive from social security. Most people will be shocked. So, if you don’t have much in your 401K or savings, it’s time to beef it up.
As retirees are working later, side hustles are the way to make ends meet. I wouldn’t mind having a side hustle for pocket money. But what would fit best into my life? If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment. I’m always open to new ideas.
News flash. Social security will not completely fund your retirement. You must plan and have other streams of income.
A New Beginning Awaits
Retirement isn’t just an end; it’s a beautiful beginning. Leaving work behind paves the way for freedom, exploration, and fulfillment. With planning, curiosity, and an open heart, this phase of life can be the most rewarding yet. So, take that leap! The adventure of retirement is waiting for you.